Check out this nice write-up of Carbuncle, a film in which I make a very brief but nonetheless significant (depending on who you talk to) appearance.
I just saw it for the first time, and it’s really good. I had no idea what to expect.
Actually, I had no idea what it was even about. I only worked on it for one day. So it was a total surprise. But it was really fun and very moving. The director, T. Arthur Cottam, is a great guy. And a visionary. And maybe a little crazy.
My part? I play a receptionist. And as an actor, I make a really great receptionist.
If you haven’t yet seen Carbuncle, you’d best hurry as there are only four screenings left:
Friday, June 6 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 7 at 8 p.m.
Friday, June 27 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 28 at 8 p.m.
Echo Park Film Center
1200 N. Alvarado Street (@ Sunset Blvd.)
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Suggested donation: $7